From the desk of the President
Dear IANAGH family,
I am humbled and honored to serve as the president of Indian American Nurses Association of Greater Houston (IANAGH) from September 2017-2019 term.
I am grateful for the progress IANAGH has made from its humble beginning in 1994 by few visionary leaders who have contributed to the success of this association. Today IANAGH has grown and blessed with almost 400 life members and includes more than 100 Advanced Practice nurses. IANAGH is one of the great chapters under the umbrella of the National Association of Indian Nurses of America (NAINA)with 501c3 , charitable organization status (since 2014 ). I am thankful to all the visionary leaders for their tireless contributions in bringing this organization visible at local, national and global level.
2017 was a tough year nationally and internationally in politics and beyond. Here in United States of America we saw racial tensions, mass shootings, travel bans, gun violence, collapse of health care system, Hurricanes, forest fires and earthquake etc. Here in Houston we witnessed the widespread, catastrophic flooding and damage in Texas and along the Gulf Coast in September 2017, we saw the City coming together and everyone helping each other at the time of devastation and despair of Hurricane Harvey. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy “. IANAGH also stood strong and united and came together as a community in 2017.
The goal of IANAGH is to unite all professional nurses and nursing students of Indian origin/heritage in Houston to create a community of excellence in nursing practice and healthcare through networking and collaboration. IANAGH remains focused on maintaining the vision and mission of the organization to facilitate professional growth, leadership and enhance social, cultural needs of our members while promoting community wellness through education and service.
IANAGH has made its impression at local, national and global level through its community outreach programs and educational programs. On April 1, 2017 IANAGH conducted one-day educational conference with 6.25 CEUs with almost 100 participants to include for nursing students, nurses and APNs with discounted rates for students. IANAGH hosted NAINA’s first Clinical Excellence Conference on December 2, 2017 with almost 200 participants from local, national and international level. Pre- conference Gala night was colorful with variety entertainments and staged by dignitaries to include Houston commissioner, Stafford Council man and NAINA president. IANAGH awards five annual Scholarship for nursing students who demonstrate a financial need here in the United States and in India. Multiple non CE educational programs were also conducted during 2017 for the professional growth and leadership of our members. Community educational series have been held at locations within Houston promoting preventive care/recognition of early symptoms of stroke, diabetic education, sexually transmitted diseases, and dangers of drug/alcohol abuse to name a few. IANAGH inaugurated APN forum in 2017 and has vibrant APN members who contribute to IANAGH through their expertise in clinical excellence and practice. IANAGH members conducted health fair & health screening for the refugee population in Hill croft. IANAGH members participated in Hurricane Harvey relief efforts locally with Mayors Hurricane Relief efforts and contributed financial assistance to hurricane affected IANAGH members. IANAGH also collaborates and volunteers with Star of Hope shelter program, American heart Association, Houston Bar association for community out reach programs. IANAGH ‘s new project is with United Light of Hope, a medical mission project in Haiti. Our members and friends donated medical supplies, books, non-perishable food, clothes etc. Our organization also partnering with United Light of Hope to build a clinic in Haiti to provide health education & basic health services at a village called Canaan. Our goal is to sustain this program in Haiti to benefit the needy. Our members are heading to participate on a medical mission trip to Haiti soon.
Members of the IANAGH will have the opportunities to meet education requirements as well as networking with individuals within our profession to serve the community at large. Currently NAINA affiliations with educational institutions such as Grand Canyon University and Chamberlain afford the IANAGH members discounted rate for tuition from 10-15%. We also provide virtual memberships for nurses of Indian origin lacking a local chapter to enable them to enjoy member benefits in collaboration with NAINA.
Our current leadership team is committed to promote the strength of our organization and to serve communities at large through education and service. The World Health Organization’s Director General, Gro Harlem Brundtland, has stated that nurses are the backbone of the health care systems.
So let’s be strong and proud to be a great TEAM (TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MORE).
Thank you for the opportunity to serve